Yep.. My wife volunteers at an animal shelter and we never go away for the 4th...
I totally respect the 'meaning' of the holiday, but the amount of fireworks that are lit off those days leading up to it is just insane...
She deals with so many 'stray' (scared) animals that week, they fill up!
Then, when the owners are called and have to 'bail' them out, all they do is complain that "it wasn't my fault.."
Anyway, our cats hide for several days before and after the event because of our neighbors blowing them off all week long...
Not supposed to do that according to the 'law'... But, no one enforces it..
How many houses, property and physical harm is going to happen this year??
Already heard of a 14 year old kid blowing his hand off and seriously maiming the other hand and also injuring his friend when one when off in his hand...
I grew up with fireworks as a kid, but I never really got 'into it' like others.. I enjoyed the big shows that was put on for that night... Not just lighting them off in my driveway..
Each to their own I guess... That's why I stay home with the hoses ready to go around my house! :)