I live on a large lake, so idiots begin shooting fireworks the moment the tent vendors show up; and continue for weeks after the 4th. I heard a couple of bangs around suppertime, so gave Ben* a 1/2-tablet dose of "NaturVet" melatonin and calming herbs. He was happily snoozing by the time it got dark and the true fireworks began. Fortunately, Augie seems fairly resilient when it comes to fireworks, although I'll give him a tablet the night of our huge professional display.
*Ben was 3 months old, when some jack*** shot off a "mortar" about 100 yds from our house just as I had set him on the ground to go potty before bedtime. It scared him so badly that he screamed.... This occurred 3 weeks AFTER the 4th - and imprinted a forever-fear of loud noises in him. Lake life is nice, but there ARE drawbacks - somehow, water draws out the "stupid people factor"