Forum Discussion

dspencer's avatar
Feb 21, 2015

Had to make a very hard decision yesterday!

I had to make one of the hardest decision's of my life yesterday. We had to help Chubby over the rainbow bridge to join Puggie and Peadinker his brothers. He was 10 years old. He had a benign tumor which kept growing and our vet kept monitoring him but said he could never survive surgery as it was very extensive. I know he's pain free and happy once again.

We knew the time was coming as he was slipping fast the last few days. We just showered him with love and made sure he was comfortable. He left us with a huge hole in our hearts but some great memories. He ushered a few door to door salesman off our property more than once and we will miss him dearly.

  • So sorry for your's never easy...Chubby knew he was loved.
  • Sorry ,Have lost about 8 best friends ,miss everyone. Only thing that helps is knowing you gave them a good life.
  • Our condolences to you. We know how difficult losing one of our fur kids can be, having just lost one last month. They leave a hole, but at least we can comfort ourselves that we gave them the best life possible and the gift of leaving this life with dignity.