Forum Discussion

AZPops's avatar
Jan 22, 2014

Hey DOC ...

Just wanted to ask cause a friend has a deer in his neighbors back yard who has a very infected foot. They've been throwing him fruit an such to keep his weight in check, but the foot is (according to him) is three times the rest of his hoofs.

Do Vets do pro Bono type of treatments for this type of situation? and or an organization who does a catch, treat, release type of thing?

I can't post a link to his thread (with photos of the deer) since it's in an area of the Dive Watch Connection forum where only long time members are allowed access.

Thanks DOC!


Up Date; He spoke to a wild life rescue where he's located (Colorado Springs, CO). They told hi if the deer's over 6 months old they can't help. Wild Life and Game told him if the deer doesn't get better, they'll put him down.

This deer's been in the neighborhood for 4 years so they hope they can find someone who can help him.
  • I don't know the "rules" out where you are. In Indiana, even vets have to have a special permit to treat non-domestic, wild animals. Many rehab facilities have access to the people with experience treating specific species. You might see if there is a rehab center around your area that take care of deer.
  • If anyone knows of an alternative source prior to Wild Life and Game is brought in. I'd appreciate it. The bottom line is, they will do whats best if there isn't another source available to them.

  • A deer is a wild animal, not a "pet". In a wild animal, an infirmity of the hoof/foot such as the one you describe is a sentence to a slow and painful death, whether by starvation or eventual predation.

    Wild life and Game probably has the most practical and merciful solution. I hope your friend doesn't delay in getting this poor animal the relief it deserves.