Forum Discussion
For the past week, Czarny's been fighting a UTI. We just switched meds, because the first one isn't working. An ultrasound showed no crystals or tumors; hopefully the new medication will beat it. Meanwhile, the urinary prescription food is great for one day, then he doesn't like it. We're getting several flavors, in the hope that, like his normal food, a three choice variety will keep him interested.
Saw a blackheaded vulture stop by the water trough for a big drink. First time I've seen one at the trough, even though I knew every critter that passes through/over our property makes a water stop.
Performed in a historic theater last Wednesday with the community band; it was a huge success. Now I'm practicing with another community band, which performs on 25 Feb. This has been a seriously busy month. Band rehearsals on Monday and Thursday, chorale rehearsal on Tuesday, work at library on Wednesday -- small wonder Czarny's gotten kinda clingy...
Fingers are complaining, so I'll have to keep this short. Later, y'all.