Forum Discussion
Annnd we're back to shorts and sandals. Today was the monthly gathering of the Old Coots Giving Advice at the farmer's market. Lots of college students visiting, and they actually asked advice. We were happy to help. Also picked up some more fruits and vegetables to freeze dry.
Czarny has noticed the new building, but so far he's afraid to go inside. It was the source of a lot of noise last week. He'll get around to it eventually.
The building is right beside one of the deer's daily trails, and now that the noise is gone, they're carefully exploring around it. I don't know if the raccoons and foxes have checked out the underside yet, but it's sitting on gravel over asphalt, so it's not den appropriate (thank goodness -- I also saw a skunk strolling up the driveway one evening).
Took delivery of the floor materials, then bought the light switches, electrical outlets, and lights. We have a new in the box ceiling fan we've been carrying around with us for about a lustrum, so it's leaving the garage shelf to be installed in there. I'm poking around all of the electrical and plumbing boxes, looking for stuff appropriate to use out there, thereby saving a bit of money and making a little more room in the garage. Next up: getting a plumber to plumb the water closet, then an electrician to wire the place, followed by spray foam insulation, then dry wall and paint. I'm really hoping it will all be done by autumn, but that depends on trades availability and dependability, as Spousal Unit really can't do the work anymore.