Forum Discussion
Drywallers are finishing today. Painting should begin tomorrow (fingers crossed), then the floor installation. Spousal Unit wants to go to the hardware store and buy a mini-split, then only pay for its installation. Thinks he'll save money that way. Maybe...
Meanwhile, the humidity is most definitely making itself felt. We are not at all accustomed to this level of humid. Good thing the highs are only in the low 80s, with a pleasant breeze; makes it tolerable until one gets back into the air conditioning.
Two adult foxes trotted across the deck and down the stairs day before yesterday. They totally ignored Czarny, who was plastered up against the door in full fluff. I let him in, went out to see where they'd gone, and they were in our garden, just checking it out. We've not planted anything in a couple years, so they continued to wherever the den is. At least we know the coyotes haven't killed our foxes.
Mom turns 99 today. We're taking her out for BBQ this evening. She's still all there mentally, just moves a lot slower these days. Still, she gets around faster than Spousal Unit...
Sister retired a week ago. She can finally help take Mom to various medical appointments, which gives me a break from so much driving.
Other than that, not much happening, thank goodness. Y'all take care.