Forum Discussion
Unrelenting heat and humidity. You'd think we suddenly lived in southern Louisiana... The new mini-split in Spousal Unit's model train shed went belly up one week after installation. Today, they installed a new one. Hope it works longer than the previous one did.
We've almost finished installing the floor, and now that it's not so hot in there, we should be able to finish it up, and he can start moving his modules inside. That means we'll be able to safely navigate inside the garage without getting battered by stuff and tools.
Czarny continues to prefer hanging out with me inside, especially now that the fox parents are bringing the kits up onto the deck to play. Mama Fox also likes the occasional nap in a deck chair, away from the kits.
SU got a big shot in his right knee and it appears to be helping, but he's still having a lot of trouble walking. Meanwhile, his neurologist told him to walk, as it's the only Parkinson's treatment that works all the time. Very frustrating to not know why his legs suddenly decided they don't want to function properly.
Czarny wants to play now. Later, y'all.