Forum Discussion
While we're still working on a visit to see if the 10-year-old cat will consent to coming home with us, a sudden change in our home life occurred. Seems a starving 8-9 month old kitten rescued itself by following some kids and their dogs home. As dog people, they couldn't properly care for the kitten, so now she's here with us.
It's been a long, long time since we had to deal with starvation and complete ignorance of what a litter box is. I'm feeding her about a tablespoon of wet food every few hours, and she's not even eating all of that. Dry food is readily available, but while she sniffs it, she's not tried to eat it yet. We'll find out at the vet if her teeth, gums, jaws, etc. are too fragile for dry food. The retired vet tech who saw to kitty's rescue bathed, defleaed, dewormed, and provided a week's worth of a general antibiotic. Also verified kitty is not chipped. We'll get her chipped when we get her into the vet's office for a thorough once-over.
But now, it's time to feed her again. Later, y'all.
Meanwhile, she follows one of us wherever we go. I'm thinking of looking up various languages for the word "clingy." Spousal Unit suggested Saran as a name (Saran Wrap)...