Forum Discussion
The good news is Spousal Unit does not have cancer in his bones. He does need a right hip replacement, though, as the femur top and hip socket are severely deformed now. He'll come home from rehab by the end of the month, as they've done all they can to help him function while not putting weight on that leg.
He has a stress test scheduled, then a dentist visit, and then they'll schedule the hip replacement. Back to rehab after the surgery for a bit, to get him used to walking without pain. Back on his walker and later a cane after 3-4 months of healing and outpatient physical therapy, and then he should be fine.
While I'm still not in the mood to get a new cat, I did meet Simon, the large ten-year-old ginger kitty whose person has utterly forgotten he's hers. She knows his name, but thinks she's just feeding a stray, so I approached her as though I'm thinking about adopting a stray. She's all excited now about rehoming Simon.
Simon himself allowed me to be sniffed, then I could lightly pet him. Short Friend says that's a major indicator that Simon might accept me, as he's never done that with any other stranger. I did commit to going over often enough that Simon can get used to my scent and then we'll see if he'll accept me as part of his normal life. He's very schedule oriented and territorial about his home, which makes it even harder for him to understand why his person has pushed him out of his house.
He's a lovely cat. If he does accept me, I will bring him home, but not until Spousal Unit's situation is a bit more stable. Simon will need a lot of time to get used to being in another home with other people, and if we're there more often than not, it will be easier for him.