Forum Discussion
Spousal Unit now has GP clearance for the tooth extraction. Just waiting on that office to get back to us. When that's complete, he'll still need regular cleaning. Only then can we get back to the hip surgeon. Looks like this surgery may not occur this year. Sheesh.
Meanwhile, no movement on the Simon front. Because SU is still in limbo, I really do not want to add a cat to the household. It would be alone a lot when he finally goes in for the surgery, and that doesn't feel right to me. Simon is being cared for, if not the way he was previously, so I feel no particular urgency in bringing him to our place. When we're both here more often than not, then I think he could adapt more readily to a new home.
The barn swallows are long gone. Haven't seen hummingbirds in a couple weeks, so I'll be taking down the feeder today. Guess I'll make sweet tea with the leftover nectar -- not my favorite, but SU likes it.
It's rut time, so the deer are really moving about. None show any inclination to adopt us humans the way Lassie and her progeny did. I'm not even sure if any of her descendants have survived.
Our fox family has stopped transiting the property right around the house. When I see one nowadays, it's down near the gate. I miss them hanging around us. However, now that rabies has made another incursion into the county, it's best they don't come around the house anymore.
Time to get back to crocheting Christmas presents. This year is embarrass the nephews. The Army pilot gets mesh shorts in desert camouflage (his wife is in on the gag). The college boy gets a willy warmer in a yet-to-be-determined color. His mom is really looking forward to seeing his face when he opens that package.
Best get to crocheting. Later, y'all.