Forum Discussion

boston_blacky's avatar
May 18, 2017

Maggie 10+ yr. old Peek a Poo about to start Bravecto

Hey all;

We did not go south last winter and our almost 11 yr. female Peek a Poo took no meds for ticks and fleas, i.e. since fall 2016 (Sept. approx.). To be on the safe side we are about to start her on Bravecto for small dogs.

Reasons being - reports of ticks, now being in South Quebec / Ontario, Canada areas. As we live near Ottawa - we felt although maybe low to moderate - best to take no chances.

What, if any side effects can we expect to notice? Thanks in advance
  • I have a cocker spaniel \ American Eskimo \ papillion mix, I checked online for reactions to Bravecto when I considered it for my dog cause none of the other topicals (frontline etc) worked..... I was horrified when I read of all the bad reactions and deaths of dogs and cats once given Bravecto. I now use Seresto collars ONLY and it really works for me and my wonderful dog
  • We have an 11 lb Japanese Chin. She has never had any problem with any of the chewables. Because we travel full-time, different vets have their preferred brands so she has been on 2 or 3 different ones in the past 6 years. No problem with any of them.
  • Jimmy (mini Aussie-poo) is allergic to flea bites, so when we go to Florida (the Kingdom of Fleas) we give him Bravecto. I've seen no side effects and it works incredibly well. Sparing him from the hives, and scratching/biting himself raw, is worth the price $$ of a tablet.
  • We have a 100 lb blue weimaraner and a 12 lb yorkiepoo. Both have been on Bravecto for close to two yrs now and no issues. Just give with food and keep a close eye on them at first.
  • I think the most commonly reported side effect with any of the chewables is vomiting.