Forum Discussion

CA_POPPY's avatar
Mar 08, 2014

Make your own pill pockets?

Rosie's officially in CHF, darn it, and has to take several pills a day. Unfortunately, she's expert at separating a pill out of food and has even sneaked away and spit out the pill in another room. Big problem here, as we don't want Darcy getting Rosie's meds. It must be that some of you have worked out a good solution. Rosie's a 12 lb chi mix and "only" 10 yrs old so we need to find an easier way to deal with the issue.
  • No suggestions..just wanted to say sorry to hear Rosie's CHF has exacerbated...
  • My dogs are great about taking pills. I just slather the pill in a glob of peanut butter (cheez whiz works well also) and make sure it gets on my fingers too. I hold the pill just above their head so they have to reach up to get it. As soon as they have it in their mouth I lower my hand so they can lick the remaining peanut butter off my fingers. The pill goes down, they get a treat and never realize that they've just been medicated.
  • Code2High wrote:
    You need to double treat. Give whatever the pill is in, then instantly offer more of whatever she is getting it in. Instantly. She will swallow what is in her.mouth to grab what you are offering.

    Very good doggie psychology, Susan, thanks! :B
  • Our ten month old tom cat would eat your lunch if you tried putting it on the back of his tongue. We just powder it and put it on some wet treats he likes. Keeps our hands and fingers intact.
  • You need to double treat. Give whatever the pill is in, then instantly offer more of whatever she is getting it in. Instantly. She will swallow what is in her.mouth to grab what you are offering.
  • No matter what you put the medication in your pets can smell it and know its there long before you think they do. Smart little creatures, LOL

    We have never hid our dog or cat pills in their food. We have placed them on the very back of their tongue then held their mouths shut and rubbed their throats. The rubbing makes them swallow and down goes the pills.
  • Inside moist cat food. Feed them a few "starter pieces to get them going, and then the "loaded" one. They will gulp it down.

    It has been mentioned here that moist cat food is like crack to dogs.