Forum Discussion

GoalstoDreams's avatar
Oct 01, 2013

Traveling with dogs

I will be full-timing in just a few months. I have two small poodle-mix fur babies that I would like to take along, but I have serious concerns. In my quest to find RV parks on the first route I have planned, I am finding considerable restrictions regarding pets; some that allow dogs will not allow you to leave them unattended even inside the MH. What? How does a single person go to the grocery store?

Also, one of my little darlings is a runner...give him an opening and he is gone. I dread the idea of setting up and tearing down a dog fence every time I move and constantly watching over my shoulder. This retirement adventure is supposed to "reduce" my stress.

While this sounds like I am trying to talk myself out of taking them with me, I also don't like the thought of not having them along. I would appreciate some honest and practical reflections from those who full-time with their pets.
  • sher9570 wrote:
    rockhillmanor wrote:
    Expen with a top. Takes all of 2 minutes to set up. To be used Only for when you are right there on the site with them.

    Unattended CG rule means INSIDE the camper also. Some CG's are very strict about this. If your dog barks when you leave you will have problems.

    Most are not strict about this at all..unless your dogs are loud and totally obnoxious then they will use this rule and ask you to leave.
    When you leave them alone, pull the shades, turn on the fans or AC and make sure there is a radio on, if they can't hear noises outside they will more than likely just sleep.


    I agree with Sher. We also crate our dogs when we leave them alone inside the RV, even though at home they're never crated. Crating in the RV means they won't be able to stick their heads up under the blinds or curtains to find something to bark at.

    We've only encountered a handful of campgrounds whose rules specifically stated that dogs weren't to be left alone unattended inside the RV. In each of those instances I called the campground and asked for clarification and was told by every one of them that it was absolutely fine to leave our dogs alone as long as they don't bark. So my advice is . . . call and ask.

    And if you're not positive that yours don't/won't bark, you can easily monitor that by using a voice activated recorder or something like Bark Sentry.
  • rockhillmanor wrote:
    Expen with a top. Takes all of 2 minutes to set up. To be used Only for when you are right there on the site with them.

    Unattended CG rule means INSIDE the camper also. Some CG's are very strict about this. If your dog barks when you leave you will have problems.

    Most are not strict about this at all..unless your dogs are loud and totally obnoxious then they will use this rule and ask you to leave.
    When you leave them alone, pull the shades, turn on the fans or AC and make sure there is a radio on, if they can't hear noises outside they will more than likely just sleep.

  • Make sure they are micro chipped...the rest of the advice above is right on.
    I will add that we had to train our dogs to stop at the door, we always go first
    mainly because you don't always know what is out there and secondly you are the one in control.
    Before the door is opened...leash them, if they aren't going train them to stay back. We just tell ours to go lay down, "you are not going right now"
    It's all repetition and training, they will get but you have to be diligent and aware.
    We got our RV so we didn't have to leave our pups home, they love it and I can't imagine spending much time away from them.

  • Expen with a top. Takes all of 2 minutes to set up. To be used Only for when you are right there on the site with them.

    Unattended CG rule means INSIDE the camper also. Some CG's are very strict about this. If your dog barks when you leave you will have problems.
  • Do a little search, (upper left corner) for this subject. Much has been posted before. We have always traveled with 2-3 very large dogs. No problem finding campgrounds.
    One thing I will suggest: If you have misbehaved, (running off) dogs at home-RVing with them will not make things better. Get you and your dogs into a good obedience class. Dogs need to be well-trained and socialized.
    Many people are able to secure their well-trained dogs in a crate, with proper environmental controls, (AC or furnace), while they go to the market. It is unacceptable to leave yapping dogs unattended in an RV, never leave an unattended dog outside, either.
    Dogs must be under control. Obedient, quiet and friendly.
  • I agree with Markiemark32. We have traveled with four dogs for years and haven't had a problem. We have two large dogs that weigh in at 80+ pounds and two that weigh in at 40+ pounds. When we have to go somewhere away from the campground we leave our girls in the camper and have never had complaints. Enjoy your selves and the new adventure of traveling with your fur babies.
  • Not a full-timer, but definitely a RV'er with dogs.

    Many, many RV'ers have dogs and many travel by RV's due to their dogs!!

    Campground rules:

    The unattended rule (usually means) not leaving them unattended outside, like chained up, fenced in, etc... If your dogs are comfortable inside (meaning not constantly barking, disturbing other campers) there will be no issues.

    Many campground rules, will include some rule, if there are loud and potentially dangerous situations a camper may be asked to leave.

    Most to all campgrounds will have all pets need to be on a leash and pickup after them, common sense, because some do not like dogs.

    You will find that more RV's enjoy pups (if they are well behaved), than despised them.

    You and the pups will get a routine with setting up and packing up.

    We have three little dogs, and one is much more comfortable traveling and in RV than at our regular home!!! Funny little guy!

    Good luck, don't sweat it, RV'ing is an adventure!
