LynnandCarol wrote:
It is because of the SAND FLEAS! Not the same type of Fleas as you are (I mean your dogs) normally used to. We has the same problem last year in South-TX.
A flea is a flea is a flea that infests dogs.
BUT the ones on your pet are not 'Sand Fleas'!
THESE are 'Sand Flea's' found in coastal waters.! :B:B
You'd know if one of these Sand Flea's were on your dog!
They are used as bait for fishing.
SAND FLEAS (Mole Crabs)
The small crustacean called the "Sand Flea" here in
Destin and surrounding panhandle
is what biologists call a decapod Crustacean.
Further classification narrows it down to the genus
Emerita. There are over 10 different species of the
this small crab located on the beaches throughout
the world. The Gulf Coasts species are either
Ermerita Talpoida or Emerita benedicti."Cat and dog fleas are commonly blamed for “sand flea” bites from small biting flies found in coastal areas. There are many creatures called “sand fleas” by people at the beach. However, true sand fleas are present in sandy areas such as beaches and marshes and
are crustaceans, not insects and are not harmful...."
Just an FYI from Florida what REAL Sand Flea's look like! :C