Lots of options, but best is not to try feed or water while in motion. And best to use a table mat of some kind under the bowls to catch and contain any spills, which WILL happen! We have used holder for bowls, both for large dogs, that needed to be raised, and for floor-lever for much smaller dogs. This is a good option... https://www.amazon.com/UPSKY-Double-Premium-Stainless-Modeling/dp/B07LF1JLZ6?ref_=Oct_NReleaseC_2975351011_2&pf_rd_r=7CJ6PKYX1WXFYHJKAJJN&pf_rd_p=616143cd-8707-5796-9cf1-25909ccb0cb1&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-6&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=2975351011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
We use a puppy pee pad, folded to just the right size and with the absorbent side out, underneath the dog's bowls in the RV when we're parked. It absorbs drips and has saved us from a bigger mess a few times when a foot accidentally knocked the bowl. While we're in motion the water bowl is placed in the sink. It doesn't seem to slide around or slosh, but it's a small bowl for a small dog. Might not work for a larger bowl.
FWIW--our dog doesn't use pee pads, but we find them to be extremely useful for many things in the RV. We've used them on campground picnic tables while cutting a melon, as disposable rugs/shoe holders when it's wet/muddy, a couple of times when we thought something was leaking under the RV a puppy pad was just right to place beneath the suspect area to collect evidence, etc.
We use elevated bowls, had to for Kaiya and just continued after she died. It makes for less dripping after drinking, but we put a bath mat under it. The bath mat is a padded one that is mostly water proof and is easily cleaned/dried outside. It has a non-slip surface on one side and holds the bowls in place while moving.
I just use wide flat bottom short dog bowls for the food. Neither dog is a "bowl tipper", but these bowls reduce accidental tipping.
For water, I use an ice bucket. Inside, it sits in a corner so two sides are against walls. The dogs have not tipped it over inside. I empty it while driving. Outside, if it tips over, it's not a big deal.
I offer water when we stop and let her out. However, I have seen small bowls with a inward lip that make them almost spill proof. Sorry cannot recall where. Perhaps someone else will know?
This^^^ Never spills, not even during the hellish northern part of the drive to Alaska. It's not too big, so doesn't take up too much space. For food dishes, I have some smallish stainless bowls that fit inside the water hole dish for storage (when not being used)
We use a spill proof water bowl we purchased from Pet Smart several years ago. We also have one of those mats that are made for water bowls size wise which keeps it from slipping and absorbs water. Never had a problem when we had our motor home and now we keep it in the crew cab next to our big dog.
We offer water when we stop, and we are always stopped at meal time, which is when she eats too. We do not leave food out for free feeding as it also attracts critters. Once stopped we leave water out. I found a rubber mat in the cat section of the pet store that we use under her bowl to catch any drips or accidental spills.