sch911 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
sch911 wrote:
Easy answer: Get an HD radio receiver.
No subscription.
Most AM stations also have HD coverage.
Check here to see if the ones you listen to are on HD yet. Most are...
Umm.. I guess you don't have or used a "HD" radio?
Yes, HD (basically digital subcarriers) broadcasts in many areas will often have "sister" stations from AM radio on the FM HD channels BUT.. HD comes at a cost in DISTANCE (and not to mention cost).
HD subchannels are broadcast at a lower power level from the main analog frequency PLUS the digital transmission is extremely sensitive to noise (pretty much the same issue with ATSC OTA TV)..
The result is HD broadcasts typiclaly only get a bout 1/3 to 1/2 the distance of the main analog FM frequency..
I have SEVERAL "HD" radios and unless they are connected to a BIG antenna I have a hard time RELIABLY receiving HD channels from a major metro area that I am about 50 air miles from..
HD radios also have a very high cost to them, the company that holds the design patents CHARGES a pretty penny for licenses that allow other manufacturers to make HD radios.. That price is passed on to the consumer, HD radio tuners typically cost $99 MORE than a non HD model..
Many radio manufacturers have BACKED out of the HD market, there are very few HD radios available now days.. That is most likely due to upfront cost, limited radio markets, shortcomings of the loss of broadcast distance and streaming radio stations via internet..
If the OP really wants those AM radio stations they can often find pretty much any and all AM or FM stations as internet streams.. Yep, it will cost you some data but most can be found on the internet..
I only use HD radio in my vehicles and have experienced NONE of the issues you raise. I think the better question is have you actually tried using it?
I have TWO "HD" radios, one is a Sony component add on tuner for my home stereo and the other is little portable radio made by Coby..
The Coby with the original FM antenna which was under 2ft long barely would get one or two HD subchannels until I added an additional three feet of wire to it.. Then it would work fairly good but only in the kitchen window which faces the stations.. Doesn't work at all in the interior rooms.
The Sony is hooked up to my 10ft long outdoor antenna with preamp.. Works fine on that but the dipole wire antenna it came with didn't work at all (IE NO HD broadcasts since the stereo is located in a room not facing the stations)..
In each case, the FM analog channel was full quieting..
HD might work better IF and only IF your are CLOSE to the stations, pretty much the SAME issue that you have with ATSC OTA TV..
Your car radio with HD may or may not work depending on terrain, noise, height of your vehicle.. For you it works, myself.. TOO FAR from radio stations to be of any value..
I also should add that my home is surrounded by TOWERING trees, many of those are a good 40-50ft ABOVE my homes roof line.. But I did check it out at my parents home and also got similar results and there home is only 1 mile away from mine..
I would not recommend anyone wasting their money on HD add ons unless you live close (25 miles or so) to the station AND you are on totally flat terrain (Hills, mountains, trees and buildings can and do affect HD distance)..