Funny Pulsar. The comparison is about smartphones. I posted about some things that I didn't like about IOS on an IPad. I am not sure, but I think there are a few differences and of course the comparisons than would be with Nexus the originator of Android.
But look at this comment about Samsung, (I couldn't copy and past it) too many options and two App stores. No comment about why, which is because Google owns Android and has many apps that run on the Samsung and didn't need to put them in two stores. Also, interestingly, that has been one of Apples touts, the many Apps available.
There complaints about IOS7 are very similar to mine. The inadvertent popup of the keyboard and the control center are two of them.
The other comment is about Apps also, and that it is overwhelming for casual users. Has anyone ever found a casual user on a smart phone? Everyone I know has Apps up the yingyang.
To some: I didn't start the comparison of the stock value of Apple and the IOS. That of course doesn't make any sense. So I think I can make more nonsense about the value of the Android using companies and Apple. Of course it is totally irrelevant.
My views correspond to many other views on the internet from technical writers/users. Even my little tiny one about the indicator for charging makes the top ten.
I am not sure what the posting about searching the net for apps was about about I thank you anyway. I use the apps store on the Ipad to find Apps, not a net search. And it takes a lot of time to find some Apps. Actually I might use the net to find Apps, maybe it is easier, will see.
I still find the 'why do you own an Ipad' comment to be funny. I have some issues with Windows, Walmart, Target, Grocery stores, etc. I still use them. With Windows, when I find something I don't like, for instance WMP, or CD writing, or Browser, uninstaller, defrag, etc I get something else that I repeat I like better.