It may be better to buy an item such as an HDTV from a brick and mortar store, so you can confirm it works before accepting it. Never much thought about it before, nor done so myself, but didn't know that most warranties do not cover screen damage. That is before a recent news story about the trials of a woman who purchased a new Samsung plasma TV from Walmart with an extended warranty.
Problem was it didn't work, and according to a news report, a Samsung tech sent to her home for warranty service discovered a few small cracks along the border of the screen. So Samsung wouldn't replace it as screen damage is not covered. Neither would Walmart accept it back for return, even-though, she had an extended warranty. That is until a local news station got involved, and Walmart suddenly had a change of heart, and took it back.
Which brings up the question of whether a retailer will exchange a new HDTV damaged from shipment. There is no real way of knowing until the buyer unpacks the set. So may be better to check it at the store itself before you leave?
You can watch the news story at
Woman upset TV from Walmart wouldn't work.