The Hauppauage 950 series and 980 series have worked well for me. These are small USB nubbins, NOT the larger USB box, such as the boat-anchorish HD PVR2 (wanna buy mine?). Fifty or so bucks for the nubbins ought to do it.
Another option that I own and have had good luck with is the "Diamond VC500". I bought this because the Hauppage nubbins only accept coax input, and on the Dish VIP211k the coax output is AWFUL.
The VC500 allows me to hook up to the component output of the VIP 211k which is significantly better quality. I still use the Hauppage for coax straight from an OTA antenna, where it works VERY well and can easily handle full HD, even though it's not rated to.
Either of these devices come with windows software that will allow you to record incoming programming, turning your laptop into a high-end DVR. The Hauppage software allows for scheduling, the Diamond does not.
Some of the most cutting-edge technophiles here seem to have given up on PC DVRs, whgich have transformed pushed content (TV), IMO. I wonder if those same luddites take a camera with them, or just relay on a sketchbook and colored pencils, since a camera can't possibly work, when you think about it.
Hope this helps!