Ken, Thanks for the links to the Yahoo groups. I signed up for both and have done a little reading.
My project for this week is to get internet hookup for the road-- either air card or via cell phone. I have wifi. When I went on the Yahoo groups I read the following in the Cingular tutorial.
In the past, Cingular users were able to get unlimited Internet use through the old $19.99 Media Works unlimited plan. However, this plan no longer exists and the company has changed its new user agreement. It used to say something to the effect that using Media Works to connect your laptop to the Internet was “not supported” by Cingular. New users now agree that it is forbidden and they will not do it. If you already have the old Media Works unlimited plan, you can probably—at least for now—continue to get away with unlimited Internet use, but there are no guarantees about how long this will continue. Therefore, this tutorial no longer includes instructions for connecting this way.
I was leaning toward this solution and know a guy who just did it a few days ago by tethering his phone and using free Cingular software that he downloaded from their site.
I hate to sign up for this and later get a big bill. Anyone familiar with this situation?