I have had three Mobile Office Kits and have used them for several years because I full time in my Winnebago Adventurer 38' and need access to the internet. My Motorola 720 needed a new battery so I decided to get a new phone. Wrong thing to do. I got a LG8300. I went to our local Verizon corporate store today to get another Mobile Office Kit to fit the 8300. I was told that they are no longer making MOK's. They were not intended to access the internet they were just supposed to be used to transfer phone numbers to your computer. We are supposed to pay $59.95 monthly fee to use the MOK. If you are using your phone without paying the fee they are going to check and see if your phone is using an unusually high amount of data time and you will be charged. I tried using a modem card in my computer and my computer would not recognize it and I had to get a new hard drive and lost all of my info and had no signal unless I drove down the road until I picked up a signal. So everyone using Verizon MOK had better hang on to those old phones. I am using mine until they catch up with me then I will decide what I will do. Maybe they will finally get enough broadband towers that we can use them. If anyone has any ideas how I can get a new cord for my 8300 let me know.