the MOK has a disc with the drivers
the setup is in USER CHOICE steps
just install the drivers from the cd
you MUST install the drivers BEFORE you plug the cable into the PC
do NOT have windows do an AUTO install search etc..
AFTER the drivers are installed , reboot the PC, after the PC has finished booting plug the cable into the PHONE FIRST, then plug the cable into the PC
decide which USB port you want to use and ALWAYS use the same port, or you are going to get errors the next time you use the phone as a modem
windows will find the phone and finish the setup , this will take a minute or two, NOW you can create a new dialup connection choosing the 3300 modem
the number to dial is #777
your ID is your cellnumber
the PW is vzw
make sure the connection properties advance has 'allow unencrypted password'
protocols check mark the PAP box
uncheck all the rest
if you see a wait for dial tone box make sure its NOT checked
and DON"T forget IF your phone has EVDO-vcast , the phone must be PUT in CDMA/digital mode only NO EVDO
I don't know if the 3300 has evdo, I know the 3200 doesnot