Not really versed in this subject and I haven't read all the pages in this forum so maybe this info is already here but here goes anyway:
I have a Motorola E815 cell phone with a plan through Alltel. I need internet service for a limited time this winter while snowbirding (first time). Alltel tethered my cell phone to my laptop, software (Motorola Phone Tools) $50.00 and they installed it, it included the data cable. For $25.00 a month I can access the internet where ever I have cell phone reception. The speed is currently (in this area) approx twice that of dial up, expected to upgrade to DSL speed late this year, all ready there in some areas of the states. Unlimited use, not charged against my cell phone minutes, flat $25.00 a month, no contract, turned on and off as desired. I have it turned on for right now trying it out, so far works well. Will turn it off at the end of this first month, turn it back on when we leave later this year. If this works as they have explained it to me, sounds better than anything I've read here...time will tell. Gladly answer any questions I can, will post if this doesn't work out.