No offence taken, your not throwing mud at me, you have found something that meets your needs and you are very happy with it, congratulations. BTW thanks for sharing your excitement with us, you are the reason I started researching this technology to see if I could achieve similar results more avoidably.
I do like the sound of what you have there and the multi computer capability is ideal, but! It's just the price that is not palatable for my Scottish sensibility (or lack of.) You see (to give you the whole picture) we are newbies and still shopping around for our first Class A, our plan is to narrow our search down to that (ideal) used MH and make our purchase within the next couple of months. We also have to keep in mind that we will need a Car Dolly, Electric brake control installed, Insurance and probably tons of other things I am overlooking. Tightly controlling our budget is an absolute necessity, hence my needs are very different from yours.
I found the zBoost YX230 signal booster @ $260 answered our Cellular and Wireless needs as well as our budgetary needs, I do have to clarify the kit comes complete and ready to go with Antenna, amplifier wires and 12 volt lighter plug at that price. The zBoost also creates your own hot spot.
My $400 figure was achieved because I'm going to swap out the antenna for a HIGH gain Wilson truckers antenna @ $90. Plus shipping and so on.
There are probably dozens if not more ways folks can achieve the same results and the prices will be right accross the board all the way up to high end Satellite Internet connection. Not everyone has the same needs, expectation or means. Like you oregonrv2007 I did not intend to challenge, disagree or offend, My intent was to show the good folks who follow these forum threads that there are cheaper options available all the way down to a Wilson dash mount amplifier priced at $99.95.
I have no doubt that once we settle into our full time RV life I will be adding a MAC AIRPORT to the mix creating a multi computer capable network. with Broadband Aircard plugged into the Airport I look forward to the day that we also have the 2 laptop convenince you enjoy today oregonrv2007.