Dear Mr, Wizard - etal
So - ok... I am new! Just joined today. Actually, I do not even currently own an MH - expect to in 30 to 60 days if all goes well and that is a diffeent subject all together.
I will be a full timer once we do. I currently depend on high speed internet access and have top speed connection through cable (Charter) with 6 household computers attached .... once we go FT in our soon to be MH I will have one desk top and one lap top.
I have pretty much decided to go with the Sprint/Nextel wireless internet service for many reasons (problems with Veriszon and ATT). Cell phones are separate through Tracphone on pay as you go basis and that will stay that way (no need to screw with attaching my pc's to my phone).
I have perused some of the posts here and so far have not come up with a definiteve answer to my question which is. How do I hook both computers up to the Sprint wireless USB modem... what do I need to do this (or perhaps the first question - CAN I do this)