kcattacam wrote:
... oh, and as far as it being pretty complex... NO WAY. (unless you have problems with round pegs and square holes...)
Come on, that's a bit condescending and I respectfully suggest that you check your attitude at the door and try being more helpful along the lines of EVDOalex, who has been very helpful to me.
I'm not a technological idiot, among other things, I've been building my own PCs for years, however, wireless communication issues are something I haven't yet explored to any degree.
Most things aren't that complex once you've done them and once you know what to do. My dilemma is knowing which option to pursue and the fact that there are 54 pages of comments, suggestions and opinions on this topic here is indicative that it's not so "simple". The physical act of connecting the pieces and making it work aren't my problem.
I'm not looking to get into a flame fight here and am signing off for now.