Well, honestly, I have done a lot of reading in this thread and a couple others about internet connections while on the road but I am still lacking in some basic understanding. So, I guess I will show my ignorance here.
I want the simplest cheapest thing. I think I only need to check email, pay some bills through the bank and probably a relative small amount of Web surfing. So I take it from these threads that means a cell phone, which I have with Verizon, and a data plan I can turn on and off as needed. I learned all that here and it seems simple enough. So I went to the local Verizon Wireless store to try and set up a data plan. A nice, pretty young lady there told me I only have to call customer service and ask them to turn it on and yes, the Motorola cell phone I have will work even though it is a couple of years old. She asked if I had a USB cable and I said I had one for my camera and she said that would do. So I left as they were a little busy and I thought I had it made, but I'm still ignorant.
So my questions, she seemed to imply I just connect my laptop to the cell phone and I would be online. Really?
Do I need a dial up service to connect with my cell phone? If not who becomes my ISP? I do have Verizon DSL at home, can I use them?
Does my computer know how to make the connection or do I need some software for this?
Please excuse my ignorance, and thanks for any help.