CJBill, the drivers for a particular phone are only part of what comes with downloading the FREE Access Manager from Verizon. There is also the actual software that resides on your laptop and guides the process of connecting the cell phone when you click on the Verizon Access Manager Icon and then click on "Connect". I would hate to contradict a Verizon support person, but if you don't download the software that makes the connection to the Verizon wireless system, you will be plugging your phone into a USB port and sitting there wondering what to do next. Unless there are gremlins in your laptop, what or who is going to make the laptop engage the cell phone? That is like telling you to write a letter on your laptop but forgetting to tell you to install Microsoft Word.
When you select download from vzam.net, you will be asked a couple of questions including what cell phone you have so that the correct drivers are loaded with the software. It is no different than when you installed a printer on your home system and you used the disk that came with it to install the drivers for that particular printer. All devices require drives installed to make them work. So I cannot fathom what that rep was talking about, but you can always try it as they told you. I will, however, be amazed if just plugging in your phone to your laptop is going to work. How will you connect and disconnect?
And don't be alarmed that downloading Access Manager is going to cost you something. It is not.
Humm, anchor, maybe that rep was talking about BBA with a Blackberry, which I know nothing about.