I have read back to March and see no reference to my question.
I have VZ BlackBerry 8330. I tether to my laptop and get excellent data connect, sometimes in places where voice is marginal at best.
We have two Win XP laptops. I cannot share my broad band connection over the WiFi any longer (was able to do so with Kyocera SmartPhone, but VZ Software seems to block the access to WiFi when phone is connected). I have seen a box that will accept tethered BB 8330 on Verizon and create a WiFi cloud. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of setup? Is there an alternative (the box cost $200)?
I see the MiFi above, but I need to keep the datapak on my phone as I rely on the email when away from the coach (I still work - sorry about the swear word) and do not want to pay for two datapaks at $60/mo ea. I have run up 4 GB in a month so I need the "unlimited" and we have North American calling plan as we have family in Canada as well as US.