I just turned off my verizon aircard for my laptop, While I turned off the "phone #" for the unit Ican still use it as a wi-fi card. I had a 5G plan ad I never ran over and I lived away from home for up to 4 mo.s at a time it worked very well. I can't have a camera on my phone if I want to take it to work. Try to find a bluetooth cell ph. w/o a cam. Then one that works well. Haven't found one yet. So I have a simple clamshell that regularly takes a beating and has not failed me yet in 3 yrs. I spent some real $$ to get my wife a new laptop (desktop replacement class) with as many bells and whistles as I could get. HUGE HD screen, BD burner, wi-fi, bluetooth, hell I even have an antenna to pick up TV or an cable adapter to hook into cable. I now have to build a mount for the passenger side of our trucks so it can be used underway.
I still haven't learned everything about it, but it's fantastic.
Bottom line: find a method that fits and a plan fits. Aux antennas and boosters/extenders are available.
I don't have my rig yet (picking up in apr/may) but will be planning my 'Commo Suite'.