ilovecamping wrote:
Back in about Feb/March my DH and I purchased new smartphones, Motorola Flipside, and have our service through AT&T. We were told at the local AT&T that we could tether with these phones. A month or so ago we were in a different AT&T store and I was asking about tethering and they said it was an additional $45. a month and that my phone wasn't compatable to tether. The only reason I purchased a smartphone was to tether when camping/vacationing/away from home. I talked with AT&T online and was told the same thing. I explained it all and the most I get from them is an I'm sorry. We have always had AT&T and would like to stay with them because of their service. Anyway I have read about using Pdanet and that it is compatable with all phones. Since I am paying for the data plan through AT&T am I breaking any laws if I use this to tether. I would pay the $45. a month if it would work but it won't. Thanks for any help you can give us.
IANAL (I am not a lawyer) I have used PDAnet in the past when it was the only way I could tether my phone and Verizon tech was informed I was doing this. They did not tell me I couldn't they just said they would not support it and any problems I had were up to me to resolve. I never had a problem and it worked fine until I upgraded my phone and was able to pay VZ's fee for tethering and have it work. As of this moment I am in Homer AK with a 3G 4 bar signal using the wifi hotpot on my droidX to connect. It is sweet. I have no idea what network I am on, the phone says "extended service" but my plan says it is included. In Canada, data is VERY expensive, but my North American Voice plan includes all voice calls in the base plan.