Where did you attempt to insert power
Standard RV antenna wiring version 1
Ant to Box
park cable to same box different port
TVs to same box other ports
12 volts to box
Box will send 12 volts to ANTENNA will not pass power
To use with sat you have to disconnect the "CABLE" able (Center on back) from unit
Alternate Box of many buttons (matrix switch) it too will not pass power to satellite inserter must be hooked to the CABLE cable.
Page 2
Neither of these will pass Sat signals to the receiver.
So. since most Sat Dishes are powered from the receiver NOT via a power inserter you must disonnect the CABLE cable and run or extend it DIRECT to the sat receiver.. The end up system looks a bit like thid
SAT-Receiver======== Sat dish
(====is Coax cable.. RG 6 or 11 prefered over 59)