Horsedoc wrote:
Please be patient with me gang. We are spec-ing a new MH. Ordering it with a Direct TV capable dome type dish. On the previous coach, I simply took the Direct receiver from on of the TVs in the house, hooked it up in the coach and had satellite TV. Recently Direct upgraded us to high def and gave us new receivers. One is a large receiver and the others seem to be dependent on working from it. I am not sure about this however. Direct also installed a new dish type antenna. The tech said the old one would not work with the nee receivers.
I am trying to figure out can I still take a receiver from the house and put in in the coach as a tech several years ago told me to do.
If I can, do I need to bring a receiver for each TV in the coach and which one to bring. I am sure when the order the coach, they will be able to install the dish antenna that matches the HD Direct TV we have. (at least I hope so)
I am getting no help from the lady from Direct, she thinks I want to buy a dome and sent me to Winegard. After 15 minutes of trying to make her understand I just thanked her and left.
So, do I need the big receiver and a couple of the little ones when we travel? Any explanation you can offer is preatly appreciated
You actually CAN use your Genie with with a dome but not the way the dome is setup from the factory. You will need to add the SWM8 hardware which costs around $100 and requires someone go on the roof to install the SWM8 switch. You will still NOT be able to get ANY Hi Def programming and there is a good possibility that the setup will only be good for about a year but in the meantime, if that doesn't sound too bad then it will work.
The best option is to install the Trav'ler or the RF Mogul antenna. However, I suggest that you drive around to a number or RV parks and see if you can find even 1 RV with the RF Mogul antenna on the roof. We are in Albuquerque, NM for the World's largest Balloon gathering with thousands of RV's and I have not seen an RF Mogul yet.