charwan wrote:
Bill.Satellite wrote:
YC 1 wrote:
Read this
This man is very knowledgeable.
That post from KVH really does not answer the real question....What channels will be be able to receive. We know we will get "some" channels but no one has said which. The 101 likely does not have the capability to broadcast ALL the channels in any 1 package and even if they could, why would they? No need to duplicate channels on multiple satellites.
Here's what I get on Sat. 101. All local channels 2 thru 69. 70 to 100. The movie channels are there but my son doesn't pay for them. We get them pay channels owned by ATT my son says but I don't know what they are. Don't get CNN but who cares. Get all the channels 349,364,351,359,357,356. That's Cspan, Fox, Fox Bus. MSNBC, CNBC There is more but I didn't take time to look. Like I say I haven't messed with it a whole lot to see what's there because it gets what I want. I tried dish with a Tailgater and wasn't happy a tall. I hope this helps.
We know what's available now. The question is what will be available. when DTV stops broadcasting the SD signal in 2019. Then there are likely to be big changes. If they spread their programming across all 3 satellites (most likely scenario in my opinion) then a dome owner will only receive 1/3 of the available DTV channels.