A basic Dish service account will cost you about $60/mo (more for extra options). If you get it for your home, the service will require a large FIXED satellite dish attached to your house, a Hopper converter/receiver box, and if you have more than one tv, a Joey or Wally converter box for each additional tv. Some campers take their Hopper/Joey with them and get an extra/spare FIXED satellite dish to manually setup at the campsite. That way they pay for only a single account.
The Hopper works ONLY with a FIXED dish that is manually aimed at the satellite when it's setup. The Hopper can't reorient a PORTABLE satellite dish like the Playmaker/Tailgater/King - you need a Wally receiver (or an older Dish211K) to do the automatic orientation.
The current generation recommendation for RV's is a Wally receiver with a Playmaker/King PORTABLE satellite dish. (Tailgater with Dish211k receiver is an older generation system). If you already have a DISH service account for your home, this extra system will only cost $7/mo. for each month used. If you don't have a home account, then you can get a PAY-AS-YOU-GO account which will cost about $60/mo for each and ONLY those months that you use this system.
NOTE: PORTABLE satellite dishes are designed to support only one =OR= up to two tv's so be careful to purchase exactly what you need. Also USA based systems are not designed to work in Canada.