nylyon wrote:
BB_TX wrote:
Since it is a single receiver box you can't watch one program and simultaneously record another for the same time slot.
You can watch one program and record another if you are watching a recording OR you have the over the air module and are watching an OTA channel.
But you are correct, you can not watch one LIVE Satellite show while recording a separate Satellite channel.
Hi all: if anyone with 211Z could clarify one more thing that would be great.
Last summer, we overhauled the guts of the Winnie's electronics and installed modern TV (aka Flat Screen)
When we aren't gazing at the scenery, thinking of getting the 211Z Kingdome Tailgater and subscribing to Dish SD/HD pay as you go. Have good OTA antenna which worked very well in past for OTA SD/HD channels.
Have an extra 1TB West.Dig. ExtHD available for RV use.
Maybe I am just reading the above info in the thread incorrectly, but would readers please advise if these specific combinations actually work:
1) watching a previously recorded Satellite show from the ExtHD, and while recording another Live Satellite show?
2) watching Live OTA show and simultaneously recording to ExtHD a Live Satellite show?
Any other tech or use insights welcome. Hate to beat a dead receiver, but if the technology isn't practical for how we might use it, no sense in purchasing the service(s) and /or dragging along the extra gear.
Thanks in advance everyone.