ktmrfs wrote:
Acampingwewillgo wrote:
Excellent...I wasn't planning on getting a Yagi to start off but I had a thought that if all else failed and I really really wanted to test one out, having one along might be an option. I'm all for low loss 75ohm cable and just getting the omni as high as I can.
Thanks all....
the 75ohm cable ONLY WORKS if the booster has a 75 ohm output!!! the common output impedance for booster is 50 ohms. Some do have 75 ohm outputs, like the weboost 4g-xRV the regular 4G-x is 50 ohms.
It will be the We Boost 4g xRV if and when I get it. It will be before my next adventure. I don't know bout everyone else but after being out for a few months, I get home and I have about two months worth of adjustments, alterations, modifications and additions. Seems I'm never finished and I've owned the Vogue for 15 years lol