I contacted the seller from the link you provided and he still had the positioner. We agreed on a price and it is in the mail. He obtained it from a friend so he really doesn’t know if it works; however, yesterday I went out to the motorhome and hooked up the old box again and on the fourth search it locked onto the satellite and the TV came on. I left it on over night and this morning it had the blue screen with searching for signal. It has been a calm 24 hours, no wind and no storm. I’m pretty sure the problem is with the positioner and not the receiver. The receiver I have is a model H23 from Direct TV. It may not be 100% compatible with the old Winegard 9946 antenna. So I’m wondering , as a check, can I connect the coax from the antenna directly to the receiver? The dish is still at the same position where I obtained signal yesterday so will this work or does the signal have to pass through the positioner and then to the receiver? Is there any possibility of damage to the receiver by doing this?