I thought I probably could. When I went back out and plugged everything back in I got an error message to re-boot. I did that and while the TV continued to do nothing I called the number on the screen. I got hold of a guy in SC and as I was talking with him the darn thing came back on. I explained the whole situation to him and he ran me through a whole bunch of stuff that I don’t pretend to understand and won’t be able to remember. One thing I will remember is he had me set it to Slimline instead of 18” round and he disabled the HD in the receiver. Then had me remove the HD channels in the guide. He said by disabling the HD the receiver wouldn’t get confused? I have no idea why he changed from 18” round to slimline but it’ now working. I’ll see how long. Still have another positioner on the way so we’ll see what happens. Could just be an accident that my existing positioner locked on to the satellite.