I wrote these two post on a different form 9/27/15
If you have AT&T service in your area look on e-Bay for "AT&T unlimited sim card" or send me a PM and I'll send you the sellers information. The cost from him was around $35 and the AT$T monthly charge is $35 + tax. He sets up the account then you log into it and set your own information, plan and credit card.
I bought a Netgear 815S hotspot, AT&T branded, and a Netgear antenna, from Amazon on the Warehouse Deals for about $100 total, both used.
The DW was extremely hesitant about getting the sim and plan as I am sure it is in the gray legal area. We finally decided that if it got cut off the amount lost wouldn't break the piggy bank.
I wrote this about 10/26/18
Used about 160 gigs for the month. We had some slowdowns but I felt it was more to weak signal. We could sorta test by hotspoting our iPhone's to our ATT account with about the same results.
The crazy thing is even though there is a credit card on file at 2359:59 on the 30th day the connection dropped. I Hotspotted the phone, logged on to the ATT site and had to do the dance for the plan and security code for the CC. Had connection promptly.
I said before that I felt the seller was a little misleading about the info. The $29.95 plan is now $35 including taxes. But I had read something about ATT upping all the unlimited plans by $5 so it wasn't a deal breaker. But five bucks is a Starbucks-almost!
The Netgear 815S hot spot is simple to set up, pretty much P&P. I don't know if the external antenna Netgear 6000450 really does any good but both were used off of Amazon under $100 for both and $35 to the seller of the card so I'm not out a lot of cash.
Just completed kicking the kids off my cell plan. Had a old ATT plan with 20 gig/month. Shouldn't need that much data now along with the streaming plan now. The DW is retired, gotta watch the outgo more closely. Am going to miss her phone reimbursement from the company though!
As of right now we have been out 5 days and used about 80 gigs. Got the standard notice several days ago that I have reached the 22 gigs limit and might be prioritized due to tower congestion. Everything running full bore.
Got a notice the other day that AT&T is raising rate another $5/month.