AsheGuy- Cameras are wirelessly connected to wifi because they require an internet connection
dangerbird-No interference from microwave
LittleBill-issue is from home. I can view when away from home via an app on my Android when cameras are working properly. Sometimes signals are lost on a camera and when they are sometimes they have come back on. Sometimes I have to wait to get back home to reboot that camera. I installed the DVR and cameras in my office as instructed and they worked beautifully. When I installed them outside they worked well for a while and then I began having issues with the 2 farthest from the router.
RoverBill-Camera instructions say they must 2.4 GHZ.
austinjenna-2 modems. One from Spectrum without the built in router. Was paying $8/month for it then bought my own router and have been using it prior to getting cameras.
Here is how things are hooked up. Cable from wall to splitter. Cable from splitter to Spectrum modem. cable from splitter to internet modem. ASUS SB6141, Cable from ASUS modem to router. DVR for cameras cabled to router. This is the way instructions said to do it.
This is interesting. I removed the splitter and hooked the cable from wall directly to router. Removed cable from Spectrum modem. Hardwired connection from internet modem-ASUS SB 614-to router. All devices access the internet. I read that a splitter reduces speed by 1/2.
Another interesting item. When the internet modem is disconnected from router I get no internet on devices. When modem and router is connected I get connection to all devices as suspected. BUT DVR wired to router and cameras are working and recording whether the modem and router are connected OR not connected.
Another thing. Monday morning at 8:00 A.M. my speed was around 5. Afternoon was the same. Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. it was in the 3-4 range. My router has internet speed test capability so I use it AND Spectrum to compare. They run close. This morning I hardwired modem to lap top and got 67.55 on the router and 74.2 on Spectrum. This is consistent with tests over the last few weeks. With all devices my speed today is 6 Spectrum and 8.3 router. When I remove the connection from the DVR and several tests my speeds average 23.8 so that tells me that the DVR/cameras use about 16 mbps. The camera manufacturer says each camera would use 4 mbps.
With high speeds and hard wired to lap top my conclusion is that it is not a internet provider issue but I don't understand the difference from earlier in the week and today. Only 2 people at home and we only use one device each at a time.
Lot's of information here and I know much of it is confusion and difficult to understand without actually testing for yourselves.