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MPI_Mallard's avatar
Dec 06, 2016

Logitech's UE Boom Blue-tooth Speaker

I just wanted to pass this along,,, DO NOT BUY THIS P.O.S. SPEAKER!!! I went out to bestbuy looking for a blue-tooth speaker now just like Alton Brown I'm a big fan of multi-taskers especially when I comes to RV'ing, so after looking at the myriad of blue-tooth speakers available I see this "tall-boy beer can" sized speaker and thought "hey,, this'll fit in the cup holders in the golf cart, the center console of the boat, i'ts water-proof so we can bring it to the pool, the beach, it's wireless so I can sit it next to me by the fire-pit or the bar,,, this thig is EXACTICALLY WHAT I NEED!!! So next the kid at bestbuy tells me it's got the best sound and the battery lasts (according to the manufacturer) up to 15 hours so "I'll take it" say's I and $180 sheckles later i'm off to enjoy my new speaker. now mind you this thig does sound great and was easy to connect with my I-phone/I-pad and such BUT,,, the friggin' battery only lasted 2 to 2 1/2 hours so thinking I had a defective speaker I bring it back to bestbuy for a replacement and it too only lasted 2 to 2 1/2 hours so then I start the process of dealing with Logitech and that's when the fun really started. First off I want to put out that being a PC gamer iv'e bought almost everything computer related from Logitech and been very pleased with their products but iv'e never had to deal with their customer service so after 31+ e-mails and countless hours being placed on hold either waiting for their staff (off-shore of course and my Latin sucks) I was told even at full volume the speaker should last at least 8 hours and to give them time and they'll look into it which I did,, 6 months later I was offered a refund after arguing my case right up to their corporate people!

This speaker does not perform as promised, do not waste your money, I instead bought the JBL Charge 3 Bluetooth speaker which is water-proof, ect,,and has a far superior sound quality and I've yet to kill the battery!
  • I have a love/hate relationship with Logitech over the years. They design some of the best products out there IMHO. I freaking love the feel of the Performance MX Mouse. But their support is the absolute worst I've run into. It'd delay delay delay, then deny deny deny. Many of their mice are known that the left button wears out, the spring gets compresses and you eventually end up with double clicks. This is a known issue, but does Logitech do anything about it? Nope.

    I'd say I've given up on them but they are still the best feel mouse. What I have learned is if you have problems return immediately. Then I buy the cheap SquareTrade warranty, if it has issues put in a request.

    Logitech should be embarrassed by how bad their online and phone support is, they have to know. I can only assume they just don't care. Don't even get me going on their software, that makes support look good by comparison!
  • paulcardoza wrote:
    Strange..... I have the larger, Mega-Boom and love it! Sound and battery life are top-notch. Sounds like you got a lemon.

    As I put in my post bestbuy replaced the first one I bought and it did the same then Logitech replaced it and either they sent mine back to me or it was fubared as well, all in all none of them had a battery life longer than 2 to 2 1/2 hours at full volume and I was told by three separate techs at Logitech that it should last at least 8 hours at full volume, before anyone say's "Why play it at full volume, that will use up the battery faster" I was told at bestbuy by the kid who sold it to me that his lasts all day on a charge and even though the sound quality is good it needs to be cranked to hear it over my 70hp merc outboard at low speed or if we are over 10' away from it.
  • Lemon ? Twice ?

    Sounds like the company screws up and sourced some cheap Chinese batteries and got burned
  • Strange..... I have the larger, Mega-Boom and love it! Sound and battery life are top-notch. Sounds like you got a lemon.