mich800 wrote:
Just looking if anyone has seen this before. I will try and seek out an answer on computer dedicated forum if no one has any ideas.
Daughters Macbook pro. Less than one year old. Suddenly today every website we load gives a "net::err_cert_revoked" message and you cannot navigate to the site. This is for any website and occurs with Chrome or Safari. So I am guessing not a cookie or cache issue.
As far as I know no new software installs or downloads and worked last night. Connected to home wifi and no one else is having issues connecting.
I am not up on Apple but it sounds like an issue between the wifi connection and the browser. What settings am I missing to check?
1. Call apple tech support. 1-800-694-7466. Ask them to do a screen share after you describe the problem. Did you buy the tech support when you bought the Mac.?
2 .Save yourself headaches and take the computer to the nearest Apple store.
3. Go to your settings and do a reset on your internet services or do a HARD SHUT DOWN which will reset all your internet services to defalut or original settings.