A lot of good suggestions here, and I'm going to follow up on many of them. For the record, my PC Matic subscription is not the free one; I paid for the 1 year subscription and immediately noticed an improvement in operation. I had been using a Best Buy product for several years. It was after the Edge "upgrade" that I noticed the described behavior. Just for grins and giggles I picked up my DW's laptop, an ASUS, and a few years newer, but it's still 4-5 years old. I received very similar behavior. Now, that's after only one start-up (she usually uses her IPad and seldom uses the laptop) so it's not a good sampling but I'm beginning to wonder if it could be our ISP. In fairness, though, our IPhones and her IPad are all connected to the same ISP and we haven't noticed any difference in their behaviors. But maybe I'm mixing apples and oranges there. As I said, I'm kinda challenged in this area. Nonetheless, I appreciate the suggestions and will see if any or all of them result in improved performance.