Gonecamping444 wrote:
Hi Thanks for info,One financial website I go to says You are using a browser that is no longer supported by its vendor,You are strongly encourage to update your browser to ensure your data is protected,Then it goes on about different browser that's are supported,Thanks
I wouldn't worry about that. #1 - it's obviously wrong, it's fully supported, #2 They are probably misidentifying the browser because it's new.
There is no fool-proof way for a website to know what browser you're using because they have to rely entirely on a string provided by the browser and then compare it to values they know about. The string can be changed by the end-user (for example, this is a well-known technique for getting a mobile version of a website from a desktop or vice-versa) and if the server doesn't regularly update the known strings they recognize it will become stale.
Sadly, many banks are in the dark ages when it comes to technology.