Mountain Mama wrote:
jpmihalk wrote:
To the OP's original question, under Windows Updates, there is a link to "Get updates for other Microsoft products." Click on Find out more.
When I click, I get a generic browser window with instructions to find Windows Update in Control Panel. That is because we don't allow other updates by policy where I work. However, TechNet says that it should allow you to go to Microsoft Updates so you can install the control to allow other MS products to be included.
Or, if you aren't getting those updates, just leave it off (which it should be by default.) I think that once you enable it, you can't go back.
I think that is what I did as I don't see that choice any longer. I get the same generic browser window too. Am I correct in thinking that if & when Wondows puts out an update for win 7, I'll be able to get those? Right now when, as I said in my original post, it just searches & searches & never stops. Or at least it hasn't until I give up & shut it down.
Had this problem with both win 7 and 8.1 when updates had been turned off all summer. Don't need giga bytes of up dates on the hotspot. Once I turned updates back on when we got home just told it to search and walked away for several hours. Once it found all the updates and they applied it went back to it's normal short search times.