While I'm not happy with the Millenicom price increase, but I do know why it happened, and Millenicom really had no choice. No one else offers a 20GB 4G service with Verizon's superb coverage at anywhere near that price. Besides our Millenicom service, we also have a Straight Talk 3G hotspot that also uses the Verizon network. When our Millenicom account comes up short, and it's too close to the end of the month to add another 20GB block, we just fire up the Straight Talk hotspot and add either 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7GB, with 4 and 5GB being the best deal, to get us through to the next Millenicom cycle. Ideally, I'd like to see Millenicom offer add-ons in smaller quantities. Adding a 20GB block when there's just a few more days to go just doesn't make any sense.