Gulfcoast wrote:
The lowest cost plan I have seen is a Straight Talk hotspot from Walmart... it's on Verizon towers (3G). A $40 card will give you 4GB of data to be used over 60-days.
10 bucks a Gig... Gee......
My Cell provider is T-Moble, I pay about 100/month and get
Unlimited talk
Unlimited text
Unlimited Data with the first 6.5 Gigs at speeds of up to 4G (Which beats the bits off 3g I can assure you)
Not sure what they throttle me to if I go over but one other poster here suggedted 3G and at that speed it's all I can eat.
I hit 6.6 one month.
The problem: Verizon has the best coverage map... Nobody has teh kind of coverage they have.
now: as for "Tieing up my phone" in days of old when folks were bold the phones could do EITHER data OR voice but not both (Save for SMS).
IF you got a phone call your internet went away.
I do not believe my Galaxy S-III does that. I've had several calls while I was on line.
Of course, I tend to stop my on-line activities when the call comes in but that is ME, not the phone.