I got to listen in on both the Calif and Boston police things play by play... The BOSTON scanner had some of it blocked but was right there with them for 99 percent of everything that was going on.
The only problem I have is I like to listen to two or three locations at the same time. Its better to do this on a computer instead of the smartphones as they only let you listen to one app at a time. I have all my favorite police scanner locations on my computer. Local towns and home town back in Ill and Wichita Falls. Get to hear family names sometimes haha...
The APP ICON looks like the front of a radio scanner.
Here is the internet address for Wichita Falls TX POLICE SCanner...
Wichita Falls TX ScannerYou can go to the home page and select the state and county live audio you want to listen to. It will list all that is available to listen too. Yet another way to keep track of your kids when you are away haha...
Best scanner I ever had...
Roy Ken